Orchard Rite
- Verify Altrac is sending correct temperature to auto start:
- Orchard-Rite autostart display should read 90F when Altrac device is sending stop signal
- Orchard-Rite autostart display should read 20F when Altrac device is sending start signal
- Set the Altrac device's calibration for the machine
- Go to settings page of device and click on "RPM Calibration"
- Enter the make and model of the wind machine
- Click save
- Change position of auto switch from auto to manual. Observe it change in the app to MAN
- Change position of auto switch manual to auto. Observe it change in the app to AUTO
- Set start temp and stop temp to above current temperature so Altrac device tries to start machine
- If it starts, nice work skip ahead
- If it doesn’t start, observe what Orchard-Rite autostart shows on its display:
- If it displays 20F then you know we are sending the signal correctly, and you need to arm the autostart (see section below)
- If it displays some value other than ~20F, then you know there is an issue with the wiring harness or connections. Check harness connections or replace
- Once running, verify the following:
- RPM is displayed in the web app and is within 100 RPM of actual
- Engine state tile is correct (see below for state explanations). You should try to verify that the Altrac device correctly picks up the OFF, WARM UP, FULL RUN and COOL DOWN states
- Battery voltage looks correct and changes upwards when engine is running
- If these instructions don't work:
- Check wiring harness connections, some common mistakes to look out for:
- Auto switch position wire is on the wrong terminal or is loose
- Autostart is not armed, see section below on Arming an Orchard-Rite Autostart
- Check 12V battery is plugged in and providing power to Altrac device. You will be able to see this in the web application.
- Call your manager to ask for further troubleshooting steps
- Check wiring harness connections, some common mistakes to look out for:
Arming an Orchard-Rite Autostart
- Using the control dial, scroll counter-clockwise until you reach the setting that says either "run" or "StOP"
- If it says "run", the autostart is armed and you do not need to make any changes
- If it says "StOP", press the dial button in (toward the autostart) and rotate until it says "run"
- The autostart will confirm that it is armed by flashing a white light on the front of the autostart labeled "Armed"
Amarillo MPC-20
- Verify Altrac can send settings to the MPC-20
- Send a new start temperature and stop temperature
- Page through MPC-20 screens until you find start and stop temperature
- Verify temperatures match
- Send auto mode to MPC-20
- Green LED on MPC-20 will light up once it receives the auto setting
- Send a new start temperature and stop temperature
- If these instructions don't work
- Refer to Altrac ST100 installation manual to confirm wiring
- Call Amarillo to determine if the MPC-20 has the correct firmware
Chinook PV101
- Verify Altrac can start the engine
- Change the switch on the machine to auto
- Send AUTO mode and start and stop temperatures higher than current ambient temperature
- Wait for settings to sync
- Verify engine attempts to turnover and PV101 display turns on
- Verify Altrac can read RPM
- The ST100 receives RPM data from the engine via a digital serial connection
- If you see RPM in the app, this confirms the connection is operational
- If these instructions don't work
- Refer to Altrac ST100 installation manual to confirm wiring
- Refer to Altrac ST100 installation manual to confirm you've properly configured the PV101
Engine State Tiles
- OFF means machine is off and Altrac is not trying to start it
- START means Altrac is trying to start machine
- WARM UP is shown when engine has recently started and is still below its full run RPM
- FULL RUN is shown when engine is above its full run RPM test value
- COOL DOWN is shown when an engine is below its full run RPM and its been running for more than 5 minutes
Leaving Machine After Install
- Ask customer how they want machine to be left
- Orchard-Rite Autostart -- Auto or Manual?
- Orchard-Rite Autostart -- Armed or Disarmed?
- Altrac Device -- Start and Stop Temperatures?
- Altrac Device -- Auto or Manual?
- Complete final setup
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