Manufacturer: Vamco
Engine: Ford 6.2L, V8
Autostart: Dynagen ToughSeries Pro TE600
Altrac Wiring Harness: WH123
Step 1: Ground
Black Wire -> Engine Battery Ground
Attached the black wire from the wiring harness to engine ground (GND). The second terminal on the lead acid battery is great.
Step 2: RPM
To be updated
Step 3: Battery Voltage
Red Wire -> Red Wire on Switch (Continuous 12VDC Power)
Step 4: Switch Position
Brown Wire -> Other Side of Switch (12VDC Power when switch is closed)
Step 5: Call to Start
White Wire -> Autostart Pin 7 (Switched Input 2)
Life tab to release the connector. Connector pulls out.
Lift tabs to release the lock. Red part pulls out.
Insert white wire to Pin 7. Hear 'Click'.
Replace the lock. Hear 'Click'.
Replace the connector. Hear 'Click'.
Step 6: Program the Dynagen
(1) Turn the Dynagen ON by pulling out the red switch.
(2) Press 'OFF' on the Dynagen to allow access to settings menu. The Dynagen cannot be in AUTO.
(3) Press the middle button under the screen to enter settings menu. Enter the Passcode '0000' or alternatively '2677'.
(4) Under 'Programmable Logic' navigate to 'Sensor Start/Stop'.
(5) Change 'Aux 5' to 'Aux 4'. Save Changes. Go back to main Settings Menu.
(6) Under 'Advanced Settings' go to 'Switched Inputs'.
(7) Under 'Switched Inputs' go to 'Start/Stop Signal'.
(8) Change the settings to match these. Save new settings once complete.
Start/Stop: Port 2
Active On: GND
Debounce Delay: 2.0s
Step 7: Test Run the Wind Machine
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